
The Ecological Entrepreneur ft. UNIZO Antwerp

A new partnership towards achieving climate positive impact. More and more entrepreneurs lose their sleep over the climate change, the UNIZO SME Barometer showed. But for many, concrete actions are still missing.  UNIZO Antwerp and The Ecological Entrepreneur aim to change that! Under our guidance, UNIZO Antwerp is willing to lead by example.   Sustainability – factor unknown The reality is that we are past the point of asking ourselves “IF” sustainability is a thing. We have officially reached the “HOW is it going to be...

What we learned from 2021: All can contribute!

2021, another year of highs and lows, and what better moment than January to reflect and re-evaluate?!  COP-26, natural disasters, the Shell trial, moving away from fossil-fuels, champions of the Earth Award: 2021 was another year of high highs and low lows. Spoiler alert: hope is not lost, and we are, slowly but surely, moving in the right direction! 2021 showed that action, teamwork and effort do pay off. But running the next lap a bit faster is most certainly welcome.  Let’s set-up for success in 2022 and look back together on our 2021 sustainable recap!  1. Just start climbing the climate mountain  This past November the planet...

The hurdles for eco-companies to scale

No more talking, but act!  That’s what we hear every day. We need to act more. And we agree, really. But why don’t we? Why don’t we use the known solutions? Why do we look for new things as so many solutions are already known? Those questions rose to our mind viewing the European landscape of ecological solutions. Thus, we decided to research it.   Wow, so many more than we expected!  Our first action. We start building a database. And wow, we were surprised. We know the...

Impact maken, nu nog in de positieve zin van het woord

Impact maken in de positieve zin!

Het is moeilijk om de impact van onze acties altijd tastbaar te maken. Echter, de cijfers in het algemeen zijn duidelijk; over de gehele wereld stijgt onze CO2-uitstoot nog steeds. De biodiversiteit neemt af. Onze waterconsumptie stijgt, waardoor onze voorraden opraken. Er is een sterftegraad van bijna 75% bij insecten.   Kun je daar als bedrijf of individu iets aan doen? Een klassieke tweestrijd Wereldwijd zien we twee algemene strekkingen. Enerzijds het beleid “elk individu dient zijn eigen impact te verminderen” en...